Шукати в цьому блозі

8 вересня 2011 р.


Fair movement in Ukraine has centuries-long history. 12 thousand of fairs functioned here in 40s of XX century already, including 178 big and middle. Sorochintsy was neither the biggest nor the most famous. Velyki Sorochintsy village of Myrgorod region would stay not rather known like many other villages of Poltava region, if our great countryman – Ukrainian and Russian writer Mykola Gogol hadn’t made it famous for a full due. Exactly here, in a house of well known at that time in Myrgorod region doctor M. Trohymovsky, future writer was born. Exhibits of literary-memorial museum of M. Gogol, founded in 1929, and monument to the writer in front of its foreside remind us about that event.
In the days of Gogol the settlement had a status of small town. It was called Krasnopil in ancient times, and since 20s of Х V ІІ it was already known as Sorochintsy. Catholic Ukrainian magnate Yeremiya Vyshnevecky with his numerous armies invaded this population centre, like many others in 1646. He owned almost whole territory of Poltava region until the beginning of liberation war under the guidance of Bohdan Khmelnytsky in 1646. Sorochintsy became sotnia town of Myrgorod regiment after adoption by B. Khmelnytsky of a new administrative-territorial structure in the territory liberated from Polish magnates and gentry. Estates of Cossack chairmen appeared there. Homutets centurion, and Myrgorod colonel afterwards, Pavlo Apostol had possession in Sorochintsy and neighboring Homutets, who was mandative hetman in 1689. He bought lands in Myrgorod regiment. In 1689 Pavlo’s son – Myrgorod colonel Danylo Apostol got from hetman Ivan Mazepa universal for possession in Sorochintsy and Homutets. After Peter I and his wife empress Katherine I died (in spring 1727) Peter’s I young grandson – Peter II became emperor of Russian empire, but atheling Oleksandr Menshikov ruled Russia in fact. Then an opportunity for returning of Cossacks autonomous power, election of new hetman appeared. Danylo Apostol became the one. Taking care of Ukraine, he did not forget about his possession development. In 1732-1734 on order of hetman, beautiful stone baroque church of Savior Transfiguration was built in Sorochintsy. Its central section was crowned with multifaceted dome on dodecahedral tholobate. Amazing four-layered carved iconostasis was inside; it consisted of three iconostases with more than one hundred icons. There was a hetman emblem on the wall of narthex.
On March 22, 1890 such record to church book was made: «On March 20 (according to current Julian calendar, and April 1 was the date of M. Gogol birthday according to new Gregorian calendar) a son Mykola was born in landowner’s Vasyl Yanovsky’s family and on March 22 he was baptized.»
In his first work from a cycle of stories «Evenings at Hamlet next to Dikanka» (1831-1832), which brought M. Gogol great popularity, writer widely showed his true love to Ukraine and deep knowledge of treasure of Ukrainian folk art and peculiarity of native people’s everyday life. In his story «Fair at Sorochintsy», which is the part of «Evenings at Hamlet next to Dikanka», Mykola Gogol reflected the poetry of national life, naturally described different representatives of people, and artistically combined all that with big humor.
The following is the abstract from N.V. Gogol novel where he describes how the people reach the fair: «One August torrid day shined with the richness in 18..., 18... Oh, it was about thirty years ago, when the road was in full swing by a large number of people been in a hurry to the fair from all nearest and remote khutors. In the morning, there was interminable flow of chumaks (tradesmen) with salt and fishes. The stacks of pots wrapped into hay moved very slowly and had a tedious time because of confinement and darkness. Sometimes alone bright painted tureen or pan expressed various thoughts boastfully looking out of wicker fence loaded on the cart and attracted the affectionate glances of luxury lovers. Many travelers watched with envy to the tall potter the owner of these precious things. He walked slowly near his goods wrapping with a great care his clay «dandies and coquettes» into hay hateful for them.»
Aside lone cart overloaded with bags, hemps, linen and various household goods dragged on the tiered bullocks. Behind it, the owner dressed in clean linen shirt and dirty linen wide trousers went pensively.
Fairs existed even till 20s of ХХ, when they were closed completely. All trade in villages moved to cooperatives and under control of government.
Since 1966, fairs started renewing and fair at Sorochintsy began, regenerated that ancient tradition. Numerous representatives of different trade organizations and companies, manufacturers from not only Poltava but from other regions and from abroad came there. Many people went to Sorochintsy to buy some things deficit at that time. Nothing could stop them; even that fair place was unequipped field without any conditions neither for participants nor for guests.
Period of restructuring and USSR's disintegration, first years of independence, when Ukraine suffered from total goods famine and inflation, could be the beginning of fair at Sorochintsy end. It was conducted practically mechanically, didn’t enthuse anybody, neither organizers nor participants, and it was headache for all of them. And the fair like a living being, suffered and waited for appearance of people who wouldn’t be indifferent and would desired finally to recover it to life. And it had happened...
<>Initiator of fair revival was Svitlana Svyshcheva – head of «Sorochinsky yarmarok» project, chevalier of the II and III degrees Order of Princess Olga.
From fair history of Ukraine and Poltava region
Trading – as a direct result of work distribution among single persons and ranks of human society – always was indispensable satellite and important factor of socioeconomic and cultural life of people. Historical resources gave us external peculiarities of this deep connection: at fairs and auctions in towns and villages of Ukraine with drums beating announcements and acts of local governments were «published», hangman punished criminal at town square and venta was a place for social meeting.
Till the end of ХVІІІ trading in Ukraine was in forms knowing from Kievan Rus – at fairs, auctions and in less developed constant town trading, which met conditions of public production. Like in ancient times main centers of commodity-money relations were towns, centers of crafts development, where exchanging of its products with agricultural produce formed the basis of trading in that time. No wonder, that gaining of village town status was connected with fair and auction introduction there and it traditionally executed by document from head of state. Eligibility of old-established fairs and auctions functioning was confirmed in same way.
Characteristic feature of fair trading in Ukraine in the middle of ХVІІ attracted attention of memoirist Pavlo Alepskiy: «In Cossack state fairs take place all the time, from beginning till end of the year; every holiday, every season fair is conducted in one place or another». Fairs were usually gathered in exact confirmed terms, as merchantmen not only from near districts but from different places of Ukraine and abroad came there, especially to big auctions; that’s why breaking of even one term caused complications in organization for merchants. Visiting of fairs planed beforehand and were used for swaps and making agreements of commodities delivery, loan or debt repayment. In case of plague, Tartar invasions or other conditions, which interfered fair conducting in set time, other terms were approved by «publishing» of new привілеєм beforehand and everywhere, it means that it was proclaimed by town crier at auctions and other fairs.
Fairs coincided mostly with orthodox Christians holidays, on the Right bank – orthodox Christians and Catholic at the same place sometimes, in Akopol – on January, 27 on St. Peter «Russian» and on St. Anthony of Padua, on June, 13. However, at the very holiday trading was usually forbidden «by ancient custom». From one to four fairs took place annually in most towns, which lasted during 1-2 or several weeks sometimes. Some privet towns got privileges for more fairs: in Yasnogorodka near Zhytomyr 10 fairs had to be conducted annually, and in Kochorov near Radomyshl – 12. Heads of such towns cared to move markets of agricultural produce closer to their estates, and to increase profits from local auctions, autumn fairs. Taxes were higher than ordinary trading one. Certificate specially made in 1792 for showing of that difference proved that for example in Sribne or Ichnya from sales of vodka from tin barrels 7 steps (21 hryvnas) were charged «out of fair» and 30 gold coins (30 hryvnas)on fair.
Notable role of fair trade was realized and emphasized by ancient public opinion. One of many royal privileges for fairs (in Korostyshev, 1771), typical document of that time, started from expressive thought: «Whishing to see kingdom, which God trusted us, in happiness, beauty and prosperity, we want so much every big and small town to reach the best condition for all inhabitants and country by way of trading and fairs».
Indeed, in conditions of general low level of manufacture, which brought commodities to market in small amount, also semi-closed character of agriculture and bad situation with lines of connection, fairs mobilized economy of whole regions and delivered many products of national or foreign manufacture, even the rarest, to the farthest corners of country. Things, bought in large lots at fairs of big trade centers, were distributed to smaller fairs, went further to town and village markets-auctions, and were sold in permanent trading of big and small towns.
Fair was real holiday of trade in old time. Special festive atmosphere was at «red auctions» on Christmas and Easter eve, there were things of holiday assortment, manufactory and fancy goods, textile, clothes, other «red commodities», mostly foreign.
Most significant place in import to Ukraine occupied textile, among wool – cloth firstly. Silk textile was highly valued and being sold in large quantities, red bunting was the most popular among cottons. Decoration of Ukrainian national costume was belt for a long time. They were delivered from Italy, Nederland and from East. Vine was received from all quarters in large quantities in Ukraine.
Revolutionary ХІХ century brought to Ukraine radical changes of all spheres of life – economical, political and social. Nevertheless, all of them influenced fair least of all. As resources of that day said, fair existed, and was necessary. Industry developed, railway stations were built. Trade was decentralized; shops appeared almost in every village. But neither they nor their industrial assortment could satisfy completely needs of rural population in particular. That’s why fair not only didn’t decay but increased in their quantity. Considerable number of fairs were organized during almost whole year in different places, and also lots of intercessions about opening of new one, which came to county and provincial territorial meeting, showed only one thing – such type of trading still satisfied needs of economy. Organized at the end of ХІХ century country councils not only permitted to open numerous fairs, but tried to check and control them preventing unjustified price rise. Merchandise turnover of fairs were recorded, assortment and goods quality were inspected. Prophylaxis of antisocial behavior during fairs of some ranks was conducted. Articles about history of fair process and modern development in second half of ХІХ century appeared constantly on newspapers and magazines pages. One of them said pithily that fairs became so inherent part of Ukrainians’ life that we could assert – they would never disappear.
Fair history of Poltava region is rather rich and bright.
At the end of ХVІІ- second half of ХVІІІ century bourgeois, Cossacks, sergeants-majors and some farmers went into business. Internal trade centered in towns, where shops and «rows of shopping stalls» were, and in big villages, where «auctions» were conducted on Sundays.
In ХVІІІ fairs which lasted for several days became popular, where foreign merchantmen came. Fairs in Pereyaslav and Poltava were the most notable. At the end of ХІІ famous Illinsky fair in Romny was founded. Transit trading was of big importance. Poltava region connected with Slobitska Ukraine, Don, Russia, Swiss, Austria, Poland, Latvia, Zaporizhzhya, Crimea, Voloshchyna, Turkey. On local fairs import textile, iron goods, luxury, music instruments, books, expensive vines, colonial goods were selling. Corn, cattle, wax, honey, fat, vodka, leathers, tobacco, potash, glass goods, saltpetre were exported from Poltava region. It’s interesting to get know prices of that time.
Market prices (per pud =16 kg.)
Fresh sturgeon3.00 — 3.20 rubles;
Fresh grain caviar6.50 — 7.00 rubles;
Sugar10.50 — 11.00 rubles;
Coffee9.00 — 10.00 rubles;
Turkish tobacco10.00 — 12.00 rubles;
Bottle of champagne  1.80 — 2.50 rubles;
Arshine of cloth4.50 rubles.
At the end of ХVІІІ – first part of ХІХ century sales of agricultural and industrial products increased, which promoted trade development.
Such things were exported from Ukraine as: yarn, hemp (to St. Petersburg and Riga), (to Riga and Herson), cotton cloth (Herson), corned beef (St. Petersburg and Riga), hemp oil (Koenigsberg), and also yellow wax, candles, oil, leather, stubble, flax, tar, lime, iron, glass.
Bread and agricultural products trading was on numerous fairs and auctions. Net of fairs, auctions and markets was developed there. Number of permanent trades increased, such as: shops, settles, stands. In 1802, there were 243 fairs in province, in 1862 – 526. Majority of them were maintained fully or nearly exclusively by agricultural sector. 454 fairs (86,3%) were village, 72 (13,7%) – town.
13 fairs functioned in Poltava, 16 – in Kremenchuk, and river harbor on Dnipro, 14 – in Kostyantynograd and Lubny, 15 – in Kobelyaky, 11 – in Romny and Zolotonosha, 12 – in Myrgorod, 10 – in Gadyach. Some fairs lasted several days, some – several weeks, forexample, Georgiivsky fair, transferred from Romny to Poltava in 1852. In 1854 the amount of comodities brought to Illinsky fair was for 14 151 791 rubles, sold for 8 276 936 rubles, foreign commodities among them – for 4 031 701 rubles.
Important fairs took place in Kremenchuk, where in 1834 commodity exchange was opened, it was first in Ukraine. Four or five times a year fairs were in Gadyach, Zinkov, Kobelyaky, Lohvycya, Lubny, Mergorod, Reshetylivka, Romny.
Important fairs took place in Kremenchuk, where in 1834 commodity exchange was opened, it was first in Ukraine. Four or five times a year fairs were in Gadyach, Zinkov, Kobelyaky, Lohvycya, Lubny, Mergorod, Reshetylivka, Romny.
In second half of ХІХ – at the beginning of ХХ main place of wholesale and retail sales of national and foreign goods were also fairs. Start of fair dated to religious holiday and got name thereof. Duration was from several days to weeks. The size of trade turnover ranged from several hundred to several million rubles. Crimean salt, Don fish, Russian manufacture, so called colonial goods were of most demand. Wool and woolen fabrics, lambskin, cloth, utensils, paper, sugar, honey, wax, horses, cattle were trading.
In 1862 in Poltava region 529 fairs took place. Brought goods were per 39 995 thousand rubles, sale - 22 028 thousand rubles. 1185 fairs were in 374 settlements of Poltava province in 1895. In 1911 there were 1292 fairs. The biggest fair in Russia was Illinsky after Nyzhegorodsky and Irbatsky.
Illinsky fair took place in two terms. Horse fair was the first. It lasted from 10s till 20s of July officially, it was situated on horse-fair square occupying about 90 desyatins. Horses, cattle, wool and other «black» goods were trading. Peasant and highbred horses were tested in carriage of cargo and trot during fair. Special hippodrome was built in town in 1853. From July, 20 till August, 2 Krasnogradsky fair took place, where was trading of «red» goods and also haberdashery, grocery, metals and hardware, crockery, clothing, footwear, processed leather, candles, soap and more. At Gostynnodvirskya square in 1852 in the center of the town 5 stone buildings with 134 shops and 11 wooden were constructed, where were 168 trades and 214 booths. In addition there were many shops, temporary booths and tents at Petrovska square. The liquor traffic was in a suburb Suprunivka.
Jewish merchants took active part in fair as it was forbidden for them to trade in Russia.
To 40 thousand of people gathered in Illinsky fair. Cost of brought goods amounted from 1/2 to 2/3 of all goods brought to fairs in Poltava region and reached 28 million rubles (1864). The most important were cotton, silk, wool, flax and linen fabrics and cloths (they formed to 45% of goods cost), fur and haberdashery products were next. Illinsky fair took one of first places in empire in wool trading (122 thousand poods of fine-fleece wool were sold per 2049 thousand rubles in 1860). Fair was a center of industrial products selling of Russian central provinces, in particular, textile, metal goods. Silk and wool cloth, fur, Austrian hay cutters, drugstore goods and other were delivered from abroad. In 1860 trading of national products comprised 15 325 thousand rubles, and foreign – 859 thousand rubles. Conditions for uninterrupted supply of goods to south to Odesa and further by sea to abroad appeared with setting into operation Kharkov-Mykolaiv railways. At the end of ХІХ fair began decaying. In 1895, products were sold only per 1107 thousand rubles. During Bolshevism in 20s of ХХ Illinsky fair was liquidated.
Except Illynsky, such fairs functioned in Poltava as: Mykolaivsky, Vozdvyzhensky, Vseyidnivsky. Important fairs were in Kremenchuk, where goods were brought by Dnipro from Belorussia, Chernigiv and Kyiv regions. 3 annual fairs and 2 weekly markets took place in town in 1859. Notable trading was of tobacco, bread, salt, fat, wool, wood. Commercial and industrial turnover of Kremenchuk comprises 72% from whole region.
Retail trading was made through shops in Poltava region. In 1912 there were about 9 thousand trading companies with annual turnover of 107.8 million rubles.
As a result of monetary reform of 1895-1897 in Russian empire paper-money circulation was liquidated and solid gold currency was introduced. In 1879 paper ruble rate amounted to 63 kopecks by gold. Banknote freely exchanged to gold before the First World War.
Development of capitalistic relationship in agriculture caused constant increase of agricultural associations and exhibitions quantity (thus from 20 in 1861 to 851 in 1905, from 3 in 1861 to 233 in 1907). Initiators of such associations and exhibitions organizing were Free Economic Society, which had functioned in St. Petersburg since 1765, the Moscow Agricultural Society, which had existed from 1818 and later - local country councils.
Participants of exhibitions were mostly landowners and rich peasants. Exhibitions were different: international, all-Russian, provincial, county, peasant. Specialized exhibitions became notable at the end of ХІХ, where agricultural machines or products of some agricultural sectors were demonstrated. All-Russian agricultural exhibition of 1893 took place in Poltava. Exhibitors got medals. Awards encouraged strengthening of prestige of their owners, helped in the competition.
Now at the beginning of ХХІ century, fair at Sorochintsy is the most famous not only in Poltava region, but also in Ukraine and in the world. Two centuries ago, it was unremarkable, one from many. However, it became main hero of unique immortal literary work of great write M. Gogol and thus gained immortality. It has hard destiny: at the beginning of ХХ century – decay, in 1966 – renewing, at the beginning of 90s of ХХ – decay again. Its new modern renewing has started in 1999 when fair got real careful master – Svitlana Svyshcheva, the head of project, talented, unindifferent and interested in fair managers – LLC «Sorochinsky yarmarok» and new name – National. Every Ukrainian knows and loves it, whole world visits it, it becomes better and more interesting every year and it adds confidence that fair history of Ukraine will be very long.